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The Hills Golf Club
The Hills Golf Club
The Hills Golf Club
the Hills Our History

Our History

Our History

The Hills began its journey organically when Michael and Christine fell in love with the Arrowtown area during a holiday in the 80's. They purchased a few acres of farmland on McEntryes Hill to establish their home. Over the next three decodes, they gradually acquired surrounding farmland, expanding the property to stretch from Lake Hayes' Hogans Gully corner to McDonnell Rd. Initially row and sparse, with only two strands of pines and a few larch trees, Michael and Christine cultivated the land, planting trees and creating wetlands while continuing to form deer for several years. At its peak the form was home to over 1000 red deer.

Michael, always drown to the perpetual challenge of golf, built a putting green in his front garden then expanded it with tees and bunkers to form several par three holes. When Mike Hosking on notional radio commented he was looking forward to ploying in Michael's chip and putt charity tournament, Michael felt that the reference to his course wos a bit underwhelming. He engaged good friend and golf architect John Darby to odd a grunty por 4, now known as Dragonfly. One day, after a brief discussion with John about how the farms hummocks and schist outcrops provided an ideal stage for golf, Michael said "To hell with it, let's do the whole 18 - we might as well make it a championship course"

With the 18-hole layout finalised and construction nearing completion, the need for a clubhouse become apparent. NZ Architect Andrew Potterson was commissioned to create something "unique and distinctive, that worked in synergy with the environment"

Demonstrating their dedication to art and a commitment to fostering creativity Michael and Christine then began acquiring large scale sculptures, transforming the property into an open air gallery.

From its humble beginningsas a small par three course, The Hills hos evolved into a renowned championship golf course with a thriving membership.

In late 2023, a partnership was forged between the Hill family, Ric Kayne and Jim Rohrstoff united by a vision "to deliver one of the finest golf club and lifestyle communities in the world". Hoving successfully developed Taro lti andTe Arai Links, Ric and Jim were chosen as ideal partners to collaborate with Michael and Emma to toke The Hills on the next port of its journey.